Hello, welcome everyone!

November 20, 2008

profile_piciconMy name is Josie from Los Angeles and welcome to my blog. I’m a first time mother of a baby girl named Reiya.

I am originally a boudoir/fashion shooter but I soon became a fan of professional baby photography when I became pregnant. I then came across a reign of top photographers across America. Most are rich in experience and also a wonderful mother. Seeing the possibilities of photographing babies and family in their natural environment had inspire me to capture many timeless, beautiful photos.

This is a blog about my journey. You’ll see the trial and error, the good the bad, and everything in between 🙂

Email Me for more info

Hello, welcome everyone!

January 18, 2009

profile_piciconMy name is Josie from Los Angeles and welcome to my blog. I’m a first time mother of a baby girl named Reiya.

I am originally a boudoir/fashion shooter but I soon became a fan of professional baby photography when I became pregnant. I then came across a reign of top photographers across nation. Most are rich in experience and also a wonderful mother, thus influenced me to capture timeless pieces of my own.

I’m specializing in lifestyle, journalism style approach to traditional family portraits and baby photography. That being said, I’m not one  to limit myself on what I can create. So, my work will cover various themes with various equipment.

Email Me

Meet Teagan

January 17, 2009

She is such a sweet, playful 15 month old baby! I just adore her strawberry colored hair and big, round eyes. This little waddle’r is not easy to keep up with, but it’s way worth the track run, hehe. I wouldn’t know how to say “no” to that face, it must be a difficult thing to do for mom and dad!


Our first

January 11, 2009

I had the honor to mingle with other moms this weekend over some good-ol BBQ. It was a great way to socialize Reiya to other babies and we had a great time doing so. The food was delicious(thank you Jessica & David) and everyone was really friendly. Here are some story boards I put together for each family I had the privilege to meet.

(click pictures for bigger view)

Elizabeth was such a sweet baby with big, beautiful eyes. Only 2.5 months and already babbling away.

What a beautiful fam bam, you can see how much they enjoy each others company!

Then finally Gabriel. He was such a silly, bright boy. He loves doing raspberries and it looks hilarious.


January 7, 2009

I always wanted to capture the sight of seeing into a room thru the hallway. The small windows make incredible moody lighting especially in the early afternoons. I could not wait to put her down to play so I can show you what I see!

We are still co-sleeping and that’s why there is still no bedding in her crib, heh.

Month by month

January 4, 2009

Reiya is now 4 months! I miss my little newborn..
Here’s my second take on the bath tub photos. I was shooting 4 frames/second to maximize time.

All over again

December 30, 2008

Happy New Year! Time to shape up and begin the year fresh. My resolution is to improve on my technical and business skills(and maybe get out more). I’ll hold on to that and see where that takes me.

Us playing in bed. These pants are so cute, I got it off Ebay!

Rub a dub-dub

December 27, 2008

My favorite part about giving Reiya a bath is when she’s on her tummy and looks up at me with those dark round eyes. She manages to keep her head out of the water and starts yanking her legs like a frog, splashing water all over me.
I love that sight of her and got a chance to take these pictures, but of course my hubby had to do the honors while I snap away. As usual, I only have 2-7 minutes of time and didn’t get a good shot of her looking up, doh!

3.8 months old here. The pink tub makes water look like strawberry milk!
Again, lighting used with window only. ISO 800

Merry Christmas

December 24, 2008

To All-
A Merry and Safe Christmas!

-Hin Family

Hollywood vintage

December 21, 2008

As you can tell, I’m intrigued by the amount of looks portrayable. I have always admired the polished, hollywood classic appeal. Together timeless in portraiture.



I’ve been waiting to use this bonnet for pictures!  She’s 3.6 months old here.

Baby Face

December 18, 2008

Reiya likes to play in the morning to make sure everyone wakes up with her but we usually end up falling back asleep. I sacrificed some sweet 3 extra hours of snooze to get these shots of her on the changing table.
They look a lot like it was taken with a square softbox by the catch light in her eyes, but these are all natural lighting next to the window. I’ve taken many photos at this very spot before but has never looked like these. Mama’s proud 🙂

p.s. I used a stool to add height so they look more “straight on”



Here’s a reminder of where it’s taken

Traditional take

December 12, 2008

Every baby has to have a set of B&W photos! This is my share with a bit of a modern feel. The biggest concern about these type of photos is the amount of nakedness, and no diaper means big messes! But I’m all about taking risks..

I think we’re just glad it wasn’t #2


December 5, 2008

How wonderful to have snow in southern California(even if it’s man-made). Let’s introduce snow to a 3 month old and experience what it’s like to have 4 seasons, haha. Was it a successful shoot? Not at all…


I guess I’m jump-starting things a little too early, but I just cant resist the opportunity. Every kid there was at least able to walk!

Happy Thanksgiving

November 30, 2008

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! These photos are from Sunday, few days past Thanksgiving because I didn’t plan on taking any. But motivated by the sale on Thanksgiving decor, and opportunity to shoot outdoors-I bought a basket and pumpkin.

It took me an entire night to find a location in LA with Maple Trees and had no luck. So I just decided to go to a local park and guessss what I found….!


Maple trees! I needed these trees so there is no confusion from Halloween photos.




And also a lake with some ducks.


Isn’t that beautiful?!

Candy land

November 24, 2008

This was another set I planned for the holiday spirit. I was a little wiser this time around! I elevated her with a large cardboard box and used a Boppy pillow. Again, really easy set up and all props cost about 30 bucks.



Stock up

November 24, 2008

So cute! It was worth the heart attack, haha. I gelled her hair so she would look more her age(11 weeks old).


Dad was below the frame with open arms just in case. No babies were hurt in the making of this photo 😀